来る2013年2月12日に、お茶の水女子大学-ストラスブール大学間の交流協定による本年度のストラスブール大学からの派遣研究者、Dr. Catherine Schuster の講演会を開催します。ご関心のある方はぜひご出席下さいますようご案内申し上げます。
日時 | 2013年2月12日(火曜日) 10:30?12:00 |
会場 | 理学部1号館4階 415室(化学第一講義室) |
講演者 | Dr. Catherine Schuster ※ (Research Director at Inserm, Deputy-head Inserm unit U1110, University of Strasbourg, France) ※ストラスブール大学-お茶の水女子大学間の研究者派遣交流制度にて来日されます. |
演題 | Hepatitis C virushost interactions: Role of apolipoprotein E and TIP47 in the Hepatitis C virus life cycle |
対象者 | 学生?一般 来聴歓迎(無料) |
言語 | 英語 |
要旨 | Chronic viral infections caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) are responsible for serious public health problems. Chronic HCV infection is a common cause of liver disease leading to liver cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma. Although drug therapy for HCV is associated with significantly improved clinical outcomes among infected patients, the development of effective vaccines and novel treatment options for infected patients with resistance to current therapy remain major challenges. HCV is a positive strand RNA virus which replicates continuously in the cytoplasm of infected human hepatocytes. Its life cycle is intimately linked to the lipid metabolism of the host cell. Understanding the molecular mechanisms triggering hepatitis C infection at the level of the interactions between the virus and host factors involved in lipid homeostasis is of great interest in order to propose new therapeutic avenues for HCV difficult to treat patients. We extensively studied the role apolipoprotein E and TIP47 in the HCV life cycle. The data will be presented. |
大学院人間文化創成科学研究科 小川温子
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