GREAT-Ocha ~Research Symposium in English by Undergraduate Students on Nov 15th and 16th!
We are recruiting Ocha-dai students who want to participate as presenter in the first GREAT-Ocha (Global Research Exchange at Ochanomizu University). We are also seeking students who want to attend this commemorative event as audience. [Entry for presentation has been closed as of July 31, 2013]
We will hold the "GREAT-Ocha" November 2013, as one of the planned events by our center. The "GREAT-Ocha" is a research presentation symposium by undergraduate students in English. The purpose is to provide Ochanomizu University’s undergraduate students (Juniors) the opportunity to present their research in English, such as on the subject of their graduation thesis. We set a theme each year (and we plan to alternate themes between humanities and natural sciences). This year's theme is "what happens in case of contacts between different cultures." Students from two prominent women's universities in the United States and from the women's universities in Tokyo will also present their research. We are planning the international networking session by the presenters and the audience after the presentation session.
Click here for "GREAT-Ocha" in 2014
Date & Venue
Date November 16 (Sat) and 17 (Sun), 2013
Venue Room 103, Main Building 1st Floor, Ochanomizu University
"What happens in case of contacts between different cultures"
Program NEW!
November 16th (Sat) Prof. Masako Ishii Kunz
(Global Human Resource Development Center, Deputy Head)
9:30 to 9:45 Opening Speech
Prof. Rogelio Mi?ana (Mt. Holyoke College)
9:45 to 12:15 Presentations and Q&A Sessions
12:15 to 13:30 ? Lunch Break ?
13:30 to 17:15 Presentations and Q&A Sessions
17:15 to 17:30 Closing Comments of Day 1
Prof. Suzanne Zhang Gottschang (Smith College)
November 17th (Sun)
Prof. Suzanne Zhang Gottschang (Smith College)
9:30 to 12:00 Presentations and Q&A Sessions
12:00 to 12:15 Closing Address
Prof. Rogelio Mi?ana (Mt. Holyoke College)
12:15 to 13:30 ? Lunch Break ?
13:30 to 16:30 Networking Session
Saori Shimada (Ochanomizu University)
Hiroko Tanabe (Ochanomizu University)
Yuki Ikoma (Ochanomizu University)
Satomi Abe (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Kanako Noto (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Katharine Constas (Mt. Holyoke College)
Devikara Devakula (Smith College)
Prof. Rogelio Mi?ana (Mt. Holyoke College)
Prof. Suzanne Zhang Gottschang (Smith College)
Contact Us
Coordinators: Ishida, IchikawaOchanomizu University
The Global Human Resource Development Center
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