To strengthen the language skills, communication capabilities and cross-cultural understanding of the students of Ochanomizu University. Furthermore,
- To expand opportunities to study abroad and develop human resources who can be active on a global basis as well as accept talented international students and promote the globalization of education.
- Promote opportunities for students to study abroad and acceptance of international students through short-term training programs.
- Build a mutual training system with overseas partner universities for faculty and staff to strengthen international skills.
Envisaged human resources
The human resources developed will possess the three elements of a global human resource. Further, the human resources will possess four abilities.
- Three Elements
- Ⅰ.Linguistic and communication skills
Ⅱ.Self-direction and positivity, a spirit for challenge, cooperativeness and flexibility, and a sense of responsibility and mission.
Ⅲ.Understanding of other cultures and a sense of identity as a Japanese.
- Four Abilities
- (1) multiple language skills through the acquisition of English and a third language
(2) multicultural experience and cultural literacy
(3) social skills required in the global age
(4) IT skills required in the global age
Summary of the Plan
Grounded in the firm foundation of global female leadership development the university has constructed over the years, we will build around the four core components described below.
(1) strengthening of foreign language skills
(2) studying abroad
(3) strengthening of global capabilities
(4) globalization
And the project will accelerate the University's global human resource development and drive the globalization of other universities by doubling, within the term of this project, the number of students that fulfill foreign language standards as well as those who study abroad for credit.