The 1st Women's Global Leadership Summit will be held on February 8, 2014!
The third part of the Symposium during "Ochanomizu University Women’s Leadership Month" will be:
Women's Global Leadership Summit (International Conference on Women’s Global Leadership)
entitled "Leadership for Tomorrow : What is Women's Global Leadership?"
Note: This symposium is the third installment during Ochanomizu University Women’s Leadership Month started on January 21, 2014.
- It is said that we have less female leaders in Japan compared to other countries. Why female leaders are hard to emerge in Japan?
- It is also said that there is a "wall" or lack of understanding toward women. In addition, some people point out that the difference between "leader" and "those with authority" is generally misunderstood in Japan. How should we understand the leadership that we need?
- What should we do to increase the understanding toward women and get rid of the stereotypes of the female leaders?
- If the desired type of leadership plays a role of being the bridge between women and men, and brings a change to the organizations or groups, the new leadership that women are capable of realizing could be this "leadership for co-existence." It'll be an important leadership quality at a global level as well.
- A way of leadership in this new era, and how university education can contribute to raise such a leadership will be the theme of the 1st Women's Global Leadership Summit. We will have global leaders as presenters at this Summit.
Go to “The 2nd Women's Global Leadership Summit”
This event will be given in Japanese. No admission fee or pre-registration is required.
(Note: The time slots are subject to change)Date February 8 (Sat), 2014, 13:00 to 17:30
Venue Room 101, First floor in the Common Lecture Building #2
13:00~14:00 Keynote speech Fumiko Ikawa-Smith (Professor Emeritus, McGill University)
Q&A session
14:20~17:30 Tripartite Talk: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith
× Mari Yoshitaka (Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. )
× Sonja Blaschke (journalist)
Q&A session
Contact Us
Coordinators: Ishida, Hosoya, Tamamura, IchikawaOchanomizu University
The Global Human Resource Development Center (Room 301 & 310, Third floor in the Student Center Building)
E-mail: wgls■cc.ocha.ac.jp
* Please replace ■ with @