Workshop for Women's Global Success in 2013
We encourage you to
come and join
the "Workshop for Women's Global Success," organized by the Global
Human Resource Development Center (Note: Lectures will be given
in Japanese).
What should the Japanese female
students do to achieve global success?
It has been long since the term "globalization" came
to be used in Japanese society. Borders are getting vague as the times
go, the internationalization of economic activities progresses, and
there is a need for global human resources in professional world. We
believe that female students can contribute to these processes, and
thus are required to demonstrate creativity and expertise of their own
fields in their global career development after graduation.
However, female students in Japan are doubly
handicapped. First, the progress of women's participation in the
society has been slow in Japan, while promoting diversity and gender
equality has been emphasized by the government. Additionally,
female-friendly environments in companies are not yet firmly
established. Second, in this difficult situation that nests in Japan,
it may not be easy for women to find role models. In such a society,
what should the Japanese female students wishing to be active in the
global context do? What would they be able to?
These workshops will present speakers in various
fields who can become role models for female students. We hope that
students will be able to receive advice, wisdom, and empowerment from
these speakers.
Everyone is welcome. No prior application necessary. 100 first-come,
first-served registration.
Six workshops are scheduled throughout the year.
The current schedules are as follows.
1st Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 18:30
to 20:00
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd
Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Kumi Ito
Director, IBM
Japan, Ltd.
Executive at
Department of Solutions
for Global Process Services
Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]
2nd Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Wednesday, June 05, 2013,
18:30 to 20:00
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Mayuko Sano
Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
(Former) UNESCO
headquarters, Department of Culture
Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]
3rd Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 18:30 to 20:00 [notice for the change to Tuesday for this date]
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Kiyori Ueno
Donor Relations Officer at Ethiopia country office in United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]
4th Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 18:30 to 20:00
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Sahoko
Painter,essayist, illustrator
Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]
5th Workshop [extended version] Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 15:30 to 17:30 [notice for the time change for this date]
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Reiko Kuroda
Chemist, professor at Tokyo University of Science, professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo,
Laureate of 2013 L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science
Talk Session Guests
Yuka Takehara
In the Graduate School in Ochanomizu University at the Division of Advanced Sciences (Department of Physics),
Laureate of 2011 L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science in Japan Encouragement Award
Mayumi Kudo
Postdoctoral fellow at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
Laureate of 2012 L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science in Japan Encouragement Award
(Note: At the time of award, she was in the Graduate School in Ochanomizu University
at the Division of Advanced Sciences (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
★ Content: Find your way by keeping thinking with passions! ~ Message to women who lead the future ~
Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]6th Workshop [final session this year] The Talk Global ~ Let's talk deeply about "Global" ! ~
Successfully Completed!Date and Time Thursday, January 23, 2013, 18:30 to 20:00 [notice for the change to Thursday for this date]
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturers Yukiko Ishii
Secretary General, Japan Center for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)
Miki Aoyama
Project Lecturer, the Global Human Resource Development Center in Ochanomizu University
Aoi Hosoya
Project Lecturer, the Global Human Resource Development Center in Ochanomizu University
★ Content: As a special edition, we invite three lecturers who are experienced abroad, and they will talk on the theme “what is the global.” This time we will have an extensive talk session by also exchanging ideas with everyone in the audience!
Contact Us
Coordinators: Ishida, Hosoya, TamamuraOchanomizu University
The Global Human Resource Development Center
TEL : 03-5978-2734 /2736
E-mail: wgws ■ cc.ocha.ac.jp
* Please replace ■ with @