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Spring & Fall 2015: Announcement of “Interdisciplinary Lectures in English”

The faculty of the Global Human Resource Development Center offers lectures in English, and we have the following lineup for Spring & Fall 2015. All these lectures will be taught in English.


Subject:             Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅳ [15N3039]
Theme:              Famous couples: gender relations in world cultures
Lecturer:            Patrick Hein
Day and Time:   [1st semester, semester system]
                            Thursday 3.0~4.0 (10:40-12:10)
Place:                Room 101, Inter-Faculty Building 1
Content:             'We look at gender relations in various countries and study the lives of famous historic couples.'

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Subject:             Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅰ
Theme:              An Invitation to Philosophy: How Do You Explain It?
Lecturer:            Yasushi Ishida
Day and Time:   [1st semester, semester system]
                            Tuesday 7.0-8.0 (15:00-16:30)
Place:                Room 205, Inter-Faculty Building 1
Content:             'Let us discuss philosophical issues in very simple terms.'

Subject:             Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅱ [15N3035]
Theme:              Global Food Culture
Lecturer:            Aoi Hosoya
Day and Time:   [2nd semester, semester system] Friday 5.0~6.0 (13:20-14:50)
Place:                Room 202, Inter-Faculty Building 1
Content:             'We think about food cultures over the world from the perspective of anthropology. The class makes a frequent use of video materials!.'

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Subject:             Interdisciplinary Lectures in English Ⅲ [15N3037]
Theme:              Understanding Language and Ourselves: How language works? What it does to us?
Lecturer:            Yukie Hara
Day and Time:   [2nd semester, semester system] 5.0~6.0 (13:20-14:50)
Place:                Room 404, Inter-Faculty Building 1
Content:             'Though learning linguistics, the students enhance understanding of “language” that is indispensable to our daily life and exchange their thoughts in English.'

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Spring 2015 specialized intensive course in English  NEW!


Subject:             英語圏言語文化研究Ⅱ[15B6508]

or英語圏言語文化研究a [15B6503]
Theme:              Theoretical Foundations
of Second Language Acquisition
Lecturers:            Silvina Montrul
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Day and Time:   [spring intensive] August 5 to 8 (9:00-16:30)
Place:                Room 401, Inter-Faculty Building 1
Content:             'Click here for more information. This is the intensive course for English Course, but we also welcome faculties and students from other departments who are interested in learning a foreign language and learning in English.

Students who would like to register for the class need to do so for either 英語圏言語文化研究Ⅱ[15B6508] or 英語圏言語文化研究a [15B6503] by July 5th. Also, please send an email to the following contact address in advance to receive papers to use in class.

Contact: Yamakoshi Kyoko (English Course)     yamakoshi.kyoko ■ ocha.ac.jp
※ please replace ■ with @ '

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Note: For more details, please refer to the syllabus.
