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Japanese Summer Program 2014

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Japanese Summer Program 2013

The Japanese Summer Program has begun In Ochanomizu University starting this summer. It targets students learning Japanese at our partner universities abroad. Through intensive courses of three weeks, by providing subjects that build overall Japanese proficiency and "project work" for which students decide on their theme to carry out their investigations and reports, it aims to train academic Japanese skills.

Click here for the program announcement and description

Click here for Japanese Summer Program 2013: report and works

Reporting on the Japanese Summer Program 2013

Program Period: July 15th to 31st, 2013 (17 days)

   For 17 days from 15th to 31st July 2013, the first "Japanese Summer Program" was held at Ochanomizu University with a success. In the mornings, students had classes of "Comprehensive Japanese" and "project work", and in the afternoons they spent their individual times working on their homework and preparation for their presentation, participating in a cultural class, and/or strolling through town.
   The centerpiece of the present program was the big project under the theme of "Bunkyo-ku original guide: Bunkyo-ku as seen from the eyes of foreigners," and areas of Bunkyo-ku were investigated in detail by the students divided into four groups. The investigations were summarized in their reports, and the students made a presentation in public on the last day of the program. Every report was a great work as each was summarized through what the students saw and collected on site themselves, and in due course, their presentations were passionate. From the presentations and reports of the quality, one would not think they were of the works by learners of Japanese at beginner-intermediate levels, and traces of effort and strong ties of each group were revealed. The experience in Ochanomizu University is expected to motivate more Japanese language learning in their future.
    In addition, in the present program, many of the Ochanomizu University students as volunteers showed their active roles in many ways such as in receptions, campus touring, and planning and accompanying to a Day Trip Tokyo, to deepen exchanges with participants from other countries. Friendship has continued through the SNS after the end of the program.

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