2017年度 サマープログラムについて 'About 2017 Ochanomizu Summer Program'
英語によるサマープログラム 2016
Summer Program – Japanese Culture and Society– (taught in English)
Friday 16 July – Friday 29 July, 2016
Please enjoy our renewed Summer Program !!
Program length is extended to 2 weeks! Richer contents including a 2-day study tour!
More cultural events!
We welcome all students including ones from English-speaking countries!
** The program is NOT an English language course, BUT an academic lecture series
on Japanese culture and society, taught in English
Summer Program in English 2016 Brochure
Outlines of Lectures
1) Lectures (Compulsory; Choose one course from below. 90 mins x 10 classes each, 2 credits)
?Course 2: [Food culture] Rethinking Japanese Food Culture: Tradition and Global Exchanges
?Course 3: [Natural Sciences] Evolution in Natural Sciences – From Being to Becoming
2) Cultural events (Optional, free of charge except One-Day Tokyo Tour)
? Japanese Language Class for Beginners
? Japanese Cooking/Tasting Seminar
? Movie afternoon
? Japanese Culture Classes (Flower arrangements, Kimono experience)
3) 2-Day Study Tour (Optional)
Application Procedure
1) Eligible applicants
→ List of overseas partner universities and the contacts
* If there are more than 60-70 eligible applicants, they may be subject to screening
2) For Applicants (students)
- Fill in the application form (Form 1)
- Fill in the motivation paper (Form 2)
- Submit 1) and 2) to the responsible of your university (see the list; DO NOT directly apply to Ochanomizu University) well in advance of the application deadline (15 April 2016)
Please download the application forms below.
→ List of overseas partner universities and the contacts

3) For the Responsible of a partner university
- Collect Form 1 and 2 from all applicants of your university
- Check if all applicants of your university completely filled in the Form 1 and Form 2
- Check if all applicants are surely registered students with your university as of July 2016
- Check if the grades (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the applicants in the Form 1 are all correct
- Fill in the Priority Request for Scholarship (Form 3)
- Send Form 1 and 2, and Form 3 by the Email attachments to e-summer■cc.ocha.ac.jp (*Please replace ■ with @) by 15 April 2016 (no later application is accepted)
** Ochanomizu University does not take responsibility for any mistake in the application forms

英語によるサマープログラム 2015
Summer Program in English 2015
1) Compulsory subjects (choose one Theme from below)
Theme II:[Natural sciences] Time and Forms in Nature
Theme III:[Cultural studies] Japan in the World, World in Japan: Transformation of International Linkages
2) Optional subjects (students can attend any class no matter what the chosen Theme is)
Introduction to Japanese Culture 2: Enjoy Japanese Language!
Introduction to Japanese Culture 3: Ghibli Studio’s Two Different Axis:
Why is Ghibli Studio so important in Japanese Anime?
Summer Program in English 2015 Brochures
Application Procedure
1) Eligible applicants
→ List of overseas partner universities and the contacts
* If there are more than 90 (30 x 3 Themes) eligible applicants, they may be subject to screening
2) For Applicants (students)
- Fill in the application form (Form 1)
- Fill in the motivation paper (Form 2)
- Submit 1) and 2) to the responsible of your university (see the list; DO NOT directly apply to Ochanomizu University) well in advance of the application deadline (30 April 2015)
(The below are only PDF samples. Please obtain WORD Application Forms from your university's contact. To find where is your university's contact, please see the List below.)
→ List of overseas partner universities and the contacts

3) For the Responsible of a partner university
- Collect Form 1 and 2 from all applicants of your university
- Check if all applicants of your university completely filled in the Form 1 and Form 2
- Check if all applicants are surely registered students with your university as of August 2015
- Check if the grades (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the applicants in the Form 1 are all correct
- Fill in the Priority Request for Scholarship (Form 3)
- Send Form 1 and 2, and Form 3 by the Email attachments to e-summer■cc.ocha.ac.jp (*Please replace ■ with @) by 30 April 2015 (no later application is accepted)
** Ochanomizu University does not take responsibility for any mistake in the application forms
英語によるサマープログラム 2014
Summer Program in English 2014
Outlines of Lectures
1) Compulsory subjects (choose one Theme from below)
Theme II: [Natural sciences] Forms of Natural World
Theme III:[Cultural studies] Cross-Border Issues of Japan and the World
2) Optional subjects (students can attend any class no matter what the chosen Theme is)
Introduction to Japanese Culture 2: Digging in Japanese Rice Culture- Tasting and Cooking
Introduction to Japanese Culture 3: The Formation and Development of Japanese Girls’ Culture:
お茶の水女子大学では、学生のキャリア発展と海外学生との交流促進を願い、2011年より毎夏、英語によるサマープログラムを開講しています。本学国際化戦略の一環として、国際的に活躍できるグローバル人材の育成や学生の双方向交流の推進を目指しています。 サマープログラムは、2013年8月、留学生を含む本学学生、並びに国内協定校の特別聴講学生向け(単位互換)に集中講義として開講すると同時に海外協定校等からの留学生を受け入れ、また科目等履修生として一般の皆様を対象に開講しました。3つのテーマのもと、講義はすべて英語で行われます。
2013年度 英語によるサマープログラム 開催報告
期間: 8月 1 日 ~ 8月 9 日( 9 日間 )
課外では各テーマの内容に関連したフィールドワークが実施されたほか、海外協定校からの参加者たちは、墨田区観光協会主催のTwilight Summer Tour(有志のみ参加)で浴衣姿になって日本の夏の夜を楽しんだり、茶道体験や東京近郊の観光など、それぞれに日本文化体験を満喫したようです。「ぜひまた日本に来たい」「次は長期の日本留学をしたい」という声も多く聞かれました。本プログラムをきっかけとした、受講生の皆さんの今後の発展が楽しみです。
代表:榊原洋一教授 履修登録者 38名
代表:小林哲幸教授 履修登録者 30名
― 現代アート、建築、文学におけるクロスカルチャー的発展
代表:新井由紀夫教授 履修登録者 40名
- Thank you for such an amazing opportunity. This program has increased my English skills and desire to study. (スロバキア工科大学、女子学生)
- It was really a wonderful program, managed well and innovative. I hope Ochanomizu will provide more programs like this one. Thanks a lot for giving me such a nice chance for learning. (アジア工科大学、学生)
- It’s really a nice program that provided us an opportunity to broaden vision and improve professional knowledge. (アジア工科大学、男子学生)
- Thank you for the wonderful time here. I enjoyed it really much. (ブッパタール大学、女子学生)
- We really appreciate your contribution to the development of international cooperation with your partner-universities.(トムスク国立教育大学、担当窓口)
- Our students came back all enthusiastic about the Schools, the perfect organization and the people they have had the luck to meet. I am sure that they will always remember this special chance they have had to know such a stimulating environment! (コレッジョ?ヌォーヴォ、学長)