

国際本部 世界からお茶大へ お茶大から世界へ


Alumnae Associations Abroad/Homecoming Day


Alumnae associations abroad

Ochanomizu University has been actively providing information and building a network for former international students of our University. Since 2021, we have been organizing online events and programs to unite our alumnae.
If you change your e-mail address after your graduation, inform the International Affairs Office (ryunai@cc.ocha.ac.jp) of your new e-mail address.

Ochanomizu University alumnae associations abroad

  • South Korea Alumnae Association (“Domon-Kai”)
  • China Alumnae Association
  • Taiwan Alumnae Association
    If you wish to contact the above associations, ask the International Affairs Office for information.

1st Online Alumnae Meeting for International Students (Asian Region)

The first online alumnae meeting for international students (Asian Region) was held on December 18, 2021. A total of 65 participants joined the Zoom meeting,  including 54 international alumnae (China, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, Vietnam), President Sasaki, Trustee/Vice President Ishii, Advisor to the President Fujiwara, Head of the Global Education Center Moriyama, and the President of the Alumnae Association of Ochanomizu University, Ouinkai.
The whole-group session began with an opening remark by Trustee/Vice President Ishi, followed by presentations by President Sasaki, Ouinkai, and alumnae representing each country/region to catch up on each other’s activities. Then, the participants were grouped by country/region in the first half of a session, and a mixed team of five multinational members were formed in the second half for having interactive conversations. Lastly, the Head of the Global Education Center delivered closing remarks.
The first online alumnae meeting was successful. According to the feedback from the participants, they enjoyed a reunion with teachers and other alumnae, they gained latest information on the University and a variety of topics. The participants wanted to build an international networking of alumnae associations. In the questionnaire of the meeting, 60% of the respondents said they were “Very satisfied” and all of the respondents agreed to participate in the next alumnae reunion.


The Alumnae Association of Ochanomizu University, Ouinkai has been supporting our alumnae in and outside Japan through various projects, such as a scholarship for former international students who wish to return to the University for recurrent or refresh research purpose (“Ouinkai International Exchange Encouragement Award/Project to Support Female Researchers in Asia”).

Japanese Government’s support for former international students after returning to their home country

With the aim of maintaining close ties between former international students and Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides follow-up support for foreign students after they return to their home country through diplomatic establishments abroad, such as supporting in organizing and operating Japan Alumni Associations. For a list of alumni associations and the details of their activities, see the link below.

Study in Japan: List of Japan Alumni Associations(新しいウインドウが開きます)

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Homecoming Day

Homecoming Day is held on a biennial basis. Alumnae are welcome to visit us for the Homecoming Day.
For the recent Homecoming Day events, see the link below. 

Homecoming Day

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