December 2013: The 1st Go Global Japan Expo
On December 15, 2013, the 1st “Go Global Japan Expo” was held at Waseda University (Waseda Campus). Of 47 universities participated in this event, 42 are involved in MEXT's "Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development” and 5 were selected for the “Re-Inventing Japan Project and in the Global 30.”
Ochanomizu University occupied a booth in the "Experience Zone" for consultation on Ochanomizu University and its programs. In the "Presentation Zone" four students and a faculty member gave a presentation entitled “Women’s power for the world.” Seven other students from the university participated in a panel discussion.
From the opening of the "Experience Zone" at 10 am, many high school students and their parents visited our booth. There were many questions about our studying abroad.
In the "Presentation Zone” which began at 2 pm, our faculty member introduced efforts in the Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development at Ochanomizu University, and four of our sophomores who have actively taken on domestic and international opportunities talked about their thoughts on global human resources. In the Q & A session, the students described what opportunities are available at Ochanomizu University, and how these opportunities have influenced their academic and personal development.
From 3 pm, seven students from Ochanomizu University gave a presentation called “To Change the World,” based on their experiences of short-term language training in Australia. The main theme of their presentation focused on competencies and experiences that are necessary to live in a harmony with people with different cultures. After the presentation using English, a discussion in Japanese was conducted.
There were approximately 4,100 high school students, parents, and college students who attended the 1st Go Global Japan Expo. The event was broadcasted in various media outlets.
For more information
Contact the Global Human Resource Development Center
TEL: +81-3-5978-2736
“Heisei 25” (Year 2013) East Japan 2nd Block Event in Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development
On November 24, 2013, the Global Human Resource Development Forum, jointly organized by the East Japan 2nd Block Meeting and Asahi Shimbun, was held at Ochanomizu University Auditorium (Kiindo). Universities that were selected by MEXT’s Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development participated in this event. The Forum aimed at encouraging universities to highlight global human resource development and to domestically and internationally inform their activities. Many university students, faculty members, and the general public joined the occasion from areas as far as Hokkaido and Kyushu.
The first session opened with a keynote speech entitled "Global Human Resource to Win the Global Competition" by Mr. Toshiyuki Shiga, the vice chairman at Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. He delivered with urgency and humor his views on the global human resources, the powers to survive in the globalizing world, and his thoughts on youth in Japan.
In the second half of the session, those in the audience had the opportunity to ask questions to Mr. Shiga. Due to limited time, it was not possible to take all questions. Mr. Shiga’s session gave everyone food for thought on the theme of this forum, which was “to live in the global age.”
In the second session entitled "Ideas to Change the World," student teams from eight universities gave presentations in English. Their ideas were proposed in various and unique ways, and their capabilities of identifying issues and the solutions they proposed were greatly applauded by the audience. All the presentations received very high praise from the evaluation committee, which remarked that whereas students in Japan are considered by many to be inward –looking, the student presenters showed a more globally-oriented disposition.
<The English presentations by student teams from eight universities>
~Ensuring Safe Farm Products For Consumers~
Hosei University: Toward a Peaceful World ~Reducing the risk of
conflict through the Satellite Interactive Class~
Kyorin University: First Mother Camp
Meiji University: The Power of Happiness
Musashino Art University: Visual Communication Art
Shibaura Institute of Technology: Construction of an International Network of Universities through SNS
Soka University: Gloadcast – Transmit Encounter
with the Differences
Tokyo Institute of Technology: WALKING POWER PLANT
Unanimous applause sounded in the venue, and with this the forum came to its closing.
In addition, the detailed summary of the day is available in the Asahi Shimbun (morning edition, December 22, 2013) . ((c) Asahi Shimbun: unauthorized duplication or reprint forbidden) NEW!
Written consent number: A13 - 2571
Also, you can find a video digest "East Japan 2nd Block Event (4:21)" on the Ochanomizu University video library. (Click on the image to jump to the video page) NEW!
For more information
Email: block-event-WG■cc.ocha.ac.jp
* Please replace ■ with @
Kick-Off Symposium: Global Human Resource Development at Ochanomizu University
Having been selected to participate in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)'s "Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development", Ochanomizu University held a kick-off symposium at Ochanomizu University (Kiindo) on February 28, 2013. Participants hailed from 34 schools in 19 countries across Asia, Middle East, North America, Oceania, and Europe.
This symposium deepened the friendship between universities working on globalization.
Presentation data for the symposium is available for download from the following links:
Presentation 1 : Initiatives by Japanese Universities
①Tohoku University (English ver.)
②Chiba University (English ver.)
③Waseda University (English ver.) /
(Japanese ver.)
Presentation 2 : Initiatives by Ochanomizu University
Ochanomizu University (English ver.) /
(Japanese ver.)
Presentation 3 : Initiatives by Partner Universities
①Ewha Womans University (South Korea) (English ver.)
②Purdue University (U.S.A.) (English ver.)
Introduction of Presenters
List of presenters
For more information
Contact the Global Human Resource Development Center
TEL: +81-3-5978-2736