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Strengthening global capabilities

GREAT-Ocha 2015 :

Research Symposium in English by Undergraduate Students on Dec 12th and 13th!

We are recruiting Ocha-dai students who want to participate as presenter in the GREAT-Ocha (Global Research Exchange at Ochanomizu University) (application deadline: Oct 15, 2015) poster_s_gc

We will hold the "GREAT-Ocha" December 2015, as one of the planned events by our center. The "GREAT-Ocha" is a research presentation symposium by undergraduate students in English. The purpose is to provide Ochanomizu University’s undergraduate students (Juniors) the opportunity to present their research in English, such as on the subject of their graduation thesis. We set a theme each year (and we plan to alternate themes between humanities and natural sciences). This year's theme is "When cultures meet." Students from two prominent women's universities overseas will also present their research, and students will receive feedback from the faculty members from the participating overseas universities. We are planning the international networking session after the presentation session.

 Click here for "GREAT-Ocha" in 2013

 Click here for "GREAT-Ocha" in 2014


Date and Time    December 12 and 13, 2015
Venue    Room 213, Main Building 2F, Ochanomizu University


"What happens when cultures meet"

What to present

Graduation thesis proposal related to the above theme (to be presented in 20 minutes or so; using PowerPoint etc. is possible)


Ochanomizu University Juniors (in any faculty)

Contact Me

Coordinator: Ishida
Ochanomizu University
The Global Human Resource Development Center
* Please replace ■ with @
