Workshop for Women's Global Success in 2016
We encourage you to
come and join
the "Workshop for Women's Global Success," organized by the Global
Human Resource Development Center (Note: Lectures will be given
in Japanese).
What should the Japanese female
students do to achieve global success?
It has been long since the term "globalization" came
to be used in Japanese society. Borders are getting vague as the times
go, the internationalization of economic activities progresses, and
there is a need for global human resources in professional world. We
believe that female students can contribute to these processes, and
thus are required to demonstrate creativity and expertise of their own
fields in their global career development after graduation.
However, female students in Japan are doubly
handicapped. First, the progress of women's participation in the
society has been slow in Japan, while promoting diversity and gender
equality has been emphasized by the government. Additionally,
female-friendly environments in companies are not yet firmly
established. Second, in this difficult situation that nests in Japan,
it may not be easy for women to find role models. In such a society,
what should the Japanese female students wishing to be active in the
global context do? What would they be able to?
These workshops will present speakers in various
fields who can become role models for female students. We hope that
students will be able to receive advice, wisdom, and empowerment from
these speakers.
Everyone is welcome. No prior application necessary. 100 first-come, first-served registration.
Six workshops are scheduled throughout the year.
The current schedules are as follows.
Click here for "Workshop for Women's Global Success" in 2013
Click here for "Workshop for Women's Global Success" in 2014
Click here for "Workshop for Women's Global Success" in 2015
1st Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Thursday, Oct 27, 2016, 15:00 to 17:00
Venue Room 301, Inter-Faculty Building 1 (3rd Floor),
Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Hiroko Kuniya
★ Content: "The moments I saw my way
~ Be hard on yourself and it will give you a chance ~"
I received little education in Japan and I wonder why for 23 years I have been able to continue as a TV news anchor here. The size of the opportunity given to you is beyond your grasp; Before you prepare anything, the chance suddenly comes. But you can overcome failures and setbacks while young, if you have the courage to step on; Even a complex become a force. Reflecting continued challenges to the news anchor as a career from the era I could not see my way, I want to think about what is currently required for women to be active in the society.
2nd Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Friday, Nov 25, 2016, 17:00 to 18:30
Venue Room 124, Main Building 1st Floor,
Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Mie Yasuda
★ Content: "The heart of Japan shines
in the global age"
People who get respected abroad are those who have pride in their history, tradition and culture, and can talk about it. While living in Thailand, I noticed Japan's beauty and why the Japanese do not see it well. I will talk about them in this workshop: In the absence of the winter, national identity will change?, What are the samurai spirit and Japanese commercial morals evaluated in the world?, The superhero of Thailand, i.e., the King of Thailand, and the Emperor of Japan –what is the root cause of the difference? and so on. Have fun!
3rd Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Friday, Dec 2, 2016, 17:00 to 18:30
Venue Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor
Ochanomizu University
Languages English, Japanese
Lecturers Kai Sawyer, Eri Suzuki
'To live,' what does it mean?
For what do you want to live as most valued?
Deeply asking such questions,
this workshop will introduce the world of Tokyo Urban Permaculture that aims for a society where everyone is valued.
We would like to tell you the ways to work together with people who devote their lives for love, not for money.
Those people include Mother Teresa , Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi and Malala Yousafzai.
Be the change you wish to see in the world!
Kai Sawyer appears at TED
Interview article on Kai Sawyer and Eri Suzuki
4th Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Friday, Dec 16, 2016, 17:00 to 18:30
Venue Room 124, Main Building 1st Floor
Ochanomizu University
Language Japanese
Lecturer Mitsuko Nishikawa
★ Content: "To live with your own mind"
"A career as an interpreter seems to fit you well": Ms. Nishikawa’s career started with the words of her mentor. At the outset, Ms. Nishikawa felt the role as obligation, but it gradually made her core and what she is. With that core, she now calls herself "a marginal man in Japan.”
In this workshop, we would like to think about what it means through career "to live with your own mind," from a viewpoint of a life of a Japanese woman.
5th Workshop Successfully Completed!
Date and Time Wednesday, Dec 21, 2016, 17:30 to 19:00
Venue Room 212, Main Building 1st Floor
Ochanomizu University
Language Japanese
Lecturer Megumi Asaoka
★ Content: "Work-life balanced career formation ~ a case with foreign financial institutions ~ "
6th Workshop NEW!
Date and Time Tuesday, Jan 10, 2017, 17:00 to 18:30
Venue Multipurpose1, Student Commons 2nd Floor
Ochanomizu University
Lecturer Fusako Akune
★ Content: "International exchange with a kimono"
Coordinator: Hosoya
Ochanomizu University
The Global Human Resource Development Center
TEL : +81-3-5978-2736
E-mail: wgws ■ cc.ocha.ac.jp
* Please replace ■ with @