- Install videoconferencing systems for each faculty
- Hold the second International Student Symposium on the Great East
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
- Conduct language training abroad (Australia, New Zealand and
other countries)
- Prepare for establishing a double-degree program with partner
- Renew the home page for the Global Education Center (aimed at
Ochanomizu University students considering studying abroad)
- Revise the study abroad guide
- Form partnerships with more affiliated schools
- Recruit exchange students and send Ochanomizu University students
- Enrich a consultation/support system for international students
studying at Ochanomizu University
- Maintain and manage videoconferencing systems
- Renew, maintain, and manage the Global Education Center website
(Ochanomizu University students studying abroad/international students
studying at Ochanomizu University, orientation for students coming to
- Publish the study abroad guide and newsletter
- Publish various reports (for initiatives such as short-term
training, the International Student Symposium, exchange programs,
Japanese as a Second Language: Practice Teaching in Australia, and the
Japanese Education Summer Program)
- Hold an International Exchange Seminar for Japanese and South
Korean university students
- Hold the Japanese Education Summer Program
- Send students abroad on short-term summer training programs
(Manchester, UNSW, UCR, Sookmyung, Ewha, Taiwan, Kyungpook , etc.)
- Carry out Japanese as a Second Language: Practice Teaching in
- Send students abroad on short-term spring training programs
(Otago, Monash, UCR, UNSW, Hull, Tomsk , etc.)
- Hold the third International Student Symposium on the Great East
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami